MacWorld 1998 June
Macworld (1998-06).dmg
Shareware World
Comms & Internet
HTML and CSS modes
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Text File
213 lines
## -*-Tcl-*-
# ###################################################################
# HTML mode - tools for editing HTML documents
# FILE: "HTMLCompletions.tcl"
# created: 98-02-14 13.29.23
# last update: 98-04-05 15.10.07
# Author: Johan Linde
# E-mail: <jl@theophys.kth.se>
# www: <http://bach.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html>
# Version: 2.1
# Copyright 1996-1998 by Johan Linde
# This software may be used freely, and distributed freely, as long as the
# receiver is not obligated in any way by receiving it.
# If you make improvements to this file, please share them!
# ###################################################################
# We want to be able to use CSS and JavaScript completions in HTML documents.
catch {uplevel #0 {source "$HOME:Tcl:Completions:CSSCompletions.tcl"}}
catch {uplevel #0 {source "$HOME:Tcl:Completions:JScrCompletions.tcl"}}
set completions(HTML) {word completion::word}
# If current position is inside a tag, complete the tag or attributes
# being written.
proc HTML::Completion::word {dummy} {
global htmlElemAttrOptional1 HTMLmodeVars htmlColorAttr mode htmlElemKeyBinding
global basicColors htmluserColors htmlSpecColor htmlURLAttr htmlSpecURL HTMLmodeVars
global htmlSpecWindow htmlWindowAttr
if {[htmlIsInContainer SCRIPT]} {
# Pretend to be in JavaScript mode
set mode JScr
catch {bind::Completion}
set mode HTML
return 1
if {[htmlIsInContainer STYLE]} {
# Pretend to be in CSS mode.
set mode CSS
catch {bind::Completion}
set mode HTML
return 1
set pos [getPos]
set allTags [array names htmlElemAttrOptional1]
regsub -all {\{INPUT TYPE=[^ ]+} $allTags " " allTags
lappend allTags INPUT
# Find the tag.
if {[catch {search -s -f 0 -r 1 -m 0 {<[^ \t\r<>]+} [expr $pos - 1]} left]} {return 0}
if {![catch {search -s -f 0 -r 0 -m 0 {>} [expr $pos - 1]} right]
&& [lindex $right 1] > [lindex $left 1] && [lindex $right 0] < $pos} {return 0}
set tag [string toupper [string range [eval getText $left] 1 end]]
if {$tag == "LI"} {
set ltype [htmlFindList]
if {$ltype == "UL"} {
set tag "LI IN UL"
} elseif {$ltype == "OL"} {
set tag "LI IN OL"
# All INPUT elements are defined differently. Must extract TYPE.
if {$tag == "INPUT"} {
set dum [expr $pos + 500]
if {[regexp -nocase {[^<>]* TYPE=\"?([^ \t\r\"<>]+)\"?} [getText [lindex $left 1] [expr $dum < [maxPos] ? $dum : [maxPos]]] dum tag]} {
set tag [string toupper $tag]
if {![info exists htmlElemKeyBinding($tag)]} {set tag "INPUT TYPE=$tag"}
set tagBegin [expr [lindex $left 0] + 1]
set tagEnd [lindex $left 1]
# opening or closing tag
set opening 1
if {[string index $tag 0] == "/"} {
set tag [string range $tag 1 end]
incr tagBegin 1
set opening 0
# inside < and > or just right of < ?
if {![catch {search -s -f 1 -r 0 -m 0 {>} $pos} r1] &&
![catch {search -s -f 1 -r 0 -m 0 {<} $pos} l1] &&
[lindex $r1 0] < [lindex $l1 0]} {
set inside 1
} else {
set inside 0
# Are we typing the tag or an attribute?
if {$tagEnd == $pos} {
# tag
set matches ""
foreach t $allTags {
if {[string match "$tag*" $t]} {lappend matches $t}
if {![llength $matches]} {
select $tagBegin $tagEnd
} else {
set newTag [largestPrefix $matches]
if {!$inside} {
append newTag >
if {$HTMLmodeVars(useTabMarks) && ($opening || [llength $matches] > 1)} {append newTag •}
replaceText $tagBegin $tagEnd [htmlSetCase $newTag]
if {!$inside && ($opening || [llength $matches] > 1)} {goto [expr [getPos] - 1 - $HTMLmodeVars(useTabMarks)]}
} else {
# Attribute
if {!$opening} {return 1}
# are we between quotes to type the attribute value?
if {![catch {search -s -f 0 -r 1 -m 0 {=\"[^\"]*\"} [expr $pos - 1]} pos5] && [lindex $pos5 0] > $tagBegin &&
[lindex $pos5 1] > $pos} {
if {![catch {search -s -f 0 -r 1 -m 0 {[ \t\r\"][^ \t\r\"=]+=\"[^\"]*\"} [expr $pos - 1]} attPos] && [lindex $attPos 0] > $tagBegin &&
[lindex $attPos 1] > $pos} {
set txt [getText [expr [lindex $attPos 0] + 1] [lindex $attPos 1]]
regexp {([^=]+=)\"([^\"]*)\"} $txt dum attr val
set attr [string toupper $attr]
set begin [expr [lindex $attPos 0] + 2 + [string length $attr]]
set end [expr [lindex $attPos 1] - 1]
set choices [htmlGetChoices $tag]
set isURL 0
if {[lsearch $choices "$attr*"] < 0} {
if {[lsearch -exact [concat [htmlGetRequired $tag] [htmlGetOptional $tag]] $attr] < 0} {return 0}
set isChoice 0
if {([lsearch -exact $htmlColorAttr $attr] >= 0 && [lsearch -exact $htmlSpecColor "${tag}!=[string trimright $attr =]"] < 0) || \
[lsearch -exact $htmlSpecColor "${tag}=[string trimright $attr =]"] >= 0} {
set choices [concat $basicColors [array names htmluserColors]]
} elseif {([lsearch -exact $htmlURLAttr $attr] >= 0 && [lsearch -exact $htmlSpecURL "${tag}!=[string trimright $attr =]"] < 0) || \
[lsearch -exact $htmlSpecURL "${tag}=[string trimright $attr =]"] >= 0} {
set choices $HTMLmodeVars(URLs)
set isURL 1
} elseif {([lsearch -exact $htmlWindowAttr $attr] >= 0 && [lsearch -exact $htmlSpecWindow "${tag}!=[string trimright $attr =]"] < 0) || \
[lsearch -exact $htmlSpecWindow "${tag}=[string trimright $attr =]"] >= 0} {
set choices [concat _self _blank _top _parent $HTMLmodeVars(windows)]
} else {
return 0
} else {
set val [string toupper $val]
set isChoice 1
set matches ""
foreach c $choices {
if {$isChoice && [string match "${attr}$val*" $c]} {
lappend matches [string range $c [string length $attr] end]
} elseif {!$isChoice && [string match "$val*" $c]} {
lappend matches $c
if {![llength $matches]} {
select $begin $end
} else {
set newval [largestPrefix $matches]
if {$isChoice} {set newval [htmlSetCase $newval]}
if {$isURL} {set newval [htmlURLescape2 $newval]}
replaceText $begin $end $newval
return 1
# we are typing the attribute itself.
set addSpace 0
if {[set c [lookAt [getPos]]] != " " && $c != ">"} {set addSpace 1}
set attrBegin [getPos]
set attrEnd $pos
set attr [string toupper [getText $attrBegin $attrEnd]]
set eventAtts [htmlGetSomeAttrs $tag EventHandler 1]
set allAttrs [concat [htmlGetRequired $tag] [string toupper [htmlGetOptional $tag]]]
if {$tag == "INPUT"} {set allAttrs TYPE=}
set matches ""
foreach t $allAttrs {
if {[string match "$attr*" $t]} {lappend matches $t}
if {![llength $matches]} {
select $attrBegin $attrEnd
} else {
if {[lookAt [expr $attrBegin - 1]] == "\""} {set newAttr " "}
append newAttr [largestPrefix $matches]
if {[set i [lsearch [string toupper $eventAtts] "[string trim $newAttr]*"]] >= 0} {
set ext ""
if {[string index $newAttr 0] == " "} {set ext " "}
set newAttr "$ext[string range [lindex $eventAtts $i] 0 [expr [string length [string trim $newAttr]] - 1]]"
} else {
set newAttr [htmlSetCase $newAttr]
set backup 1
if {[llength $matches] == 1} {
if {[regexp {=} $newAttr]} {
append newAttr "\"\""
if {$HTMLmodeVars(useTabMarks)} {append newAttr •}
if {$addSpace} {append newAttr " "; set backup 2}
replaceText $attrBegin $attrEnd $newAttr
if {[llength $matches] == 1 && [regexp {=} $newAttr]} {goto [expr [getPos] - $backup - $HTMLmodeVars(useTabMarks)]}
return 1